Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Moments in life....

Memories are those moments in life that you either want to end or to never end. I have a few of both in my life. I received a card in the mail the other day from my oldest brother and I literally opened it and smiled hugely. It made my not so good day turn into a wonderful moment of happiness and love. It also bought back a truckload of those specials memories of all the cards my own mom sent me. I remember when I was younger and struggling there would be a card right there on my bed or in the mail for me. How did she know I would think to myself and often would read it and forget about it at that moment. But now I can feel those moments in my heart..The other day I read a card that she had written me a few years back thanking me for my hospitality, or there is the one she wrote to tell me how much she missed me not living by her anymore. These words are sometimes just what I need to keep moving on.
I am glad that I get random cards from those that I love at just the right moment. Once again how did you know what it would mean. My hubby used to call me a hoarder for keeping my cards or notes from others. I sometimes will go downstairs and read every card from my mom and Steve that I can find. Or sometimes read ones from when I was much younger and wiser :)
Some of the moments that I wish will never end are the ones with my kids.Even though my patience is worn thin at times I dread the day that they figure out that they won't need me for every little thing. Don't get me wrong I am happy for them to grow up and be there own person. I just want them still to want to be with me at times. I think some of the best times are when we are all relaxing and doing nothing but hanging out. I love bedtime when it is not rushed since that is when they tell me all their needs,wishes, hurts and happiness. I love hearing them snore and trying to figure out how they ended up with every stuffed animal on them. I love the chaos that is brought into my little home with my chaotic family. I think the best is the sticky kisses, hugs and I love you's. These moments are the ones that I want to never end. The yelling , throwing and madness could end but then I would not have the perfect family for me.
Moments are what you make of them, just make them count is my thought.